
A JavaScript bookmarklet that allows you to seamlessly switch users during a PeopleSoft session.


How to Use

Add the PS-SwitchToken bookmarklet to your browser’s bookmarks, login to the PeopleSoft web interface (PIA) and click the bookmarklet. Alternatively, you can invoke the JavaScript code in your browser’s dev console in a PeopleSoft session.

The page will refresh and you will be authenticated as the new user if the script was successful.

tip: If you do not want to input the node password each time, then you can hardcode the password on this line of the code.


PS-SwitchToken Demo



This utility is merely a JavaScript port of Alexey Tyurin’s TokenChpoken python script. Credit and thanks to Alexey and the ERPScan team for their PS_TOKEN research efforts.

This utility makes use of the following JavaScript libraries: